If your kids are in school you will sympathize with me, if you home school your kids, you probably (some of your reasoning, anyway) do it because of this.
My daughter goes to a "chartered" school. They are a more curriculum intensive school than most public schools. So she is in school form 8:30-3:15, a longer day than public schools and they go to school many more days than your public schools. So why is it I have to work on all subjects with her every night. I am not against homework, but if it mandated that my child go to school 6-7 hours per day, don't you think they should get a break when they get home??
If I have to do this subject and this subject every night plus homework. When do I have time to cook and when do we have time to be a family?
I understand that not all day the kids are in the classroom, but I am so stressed out, I wonder how my daughter feels? school has become "let's cram everything we can into these kids head" and see what happens.
Merci is writing in a journal everyday. They are up to 6 sentences, yet don't even know how to read and spell thoroughly yet. They are taking 1 minute times tests, I can't remember taking these until at least 3rd grade, she is in 1st. I understand that times are changing and kids do need to know a lot more. But I think this is ridiculousness. No wonder so many kids have learning disabilities, they are pushed way too much.
I am sick and tired of me and my child being stressed and not getting the time to learn new things like she should.
I know A lot of teacher and I wonder how they feel about this and how moms feel about this?
I feel like people are going to be like, "well that is why you should home school" but right now that is not an option, God has not put it in my heart and I don't think that it will help Merci.
What are your feeling from your experiences as moms with kids in school, or from friends or from all you teachers!
My daughter goes to a "chartered" school. They are a more curriculum intensive school than most public schools. So she is in school form 8:30-3:15, a longer day than public schools and they go to school many more days than your public schools. So why is it I have to work on all subjects with her every night. I am not against homework, but if it mandated that my child go to school 6-7 hours per day, don't you think they should get a break when they get home??
If I have to do this subject and this subject every night plus homework. When do I have time to cook and when do we have time to be a family?
I understand that not all day the kids are in the classroom, but I am so stressed out, I wonder how my daughter feels? school has become "let's cram everything we can into these kids head" and see what happens.
Merci is writing in a journal everyday. They are up to 6 sentences, yet don't even know how to read and spell thoroughly yet. They are taking 1 minute times tests, I can't remember taking these until at least 3rd grade, she is in 1st. I understand that times are changing and kids do need to know a lot more. But I think this is ridiculousness. No wonder so many kids have learning disabilities, they are pushed way too much.
I am sick and tired of me and my child being stressed and not getting the time to learn new things like she should.
I know A lot of teacher and I wonder how they feel about this and how moms feel about this?
I feel like people are going to be like, "well that is why you should home school" but right now that is not an option, God has not put it in my heart and I don't think that it will help Merci.
What are your feeling from your experiences as moms with kids in school, or from friends or from all you teachers!
We have registered our kids in public school for next year because we're undecided about continuing homeschooling. It's "just in case we do decide to send them to school" measure.
Schooling decisions aside, I agree that children need time to be children!!! I have some cousins who are in school almost all day (at a charter school) and they should NOT be coming home with schoolwork!
I realize that homeschooling isn't what you want to do, and that is F-I-N-E! You have the right to make the decision that is right for your family. One hesitation I personally have about putting my kids in school has a lot to do with this topic though. Kids spend most of their days in school, learning what they COULD learn in MUCH LESS time at home. When we do a couple hours of school in the morning (or at night, for that matter) we have the rest of the day to play, explore, do chores, rest, cook, shop, play some more, etc. And all those things involve valuable learning as well. This isn't a plug for homeschooling. I'm just giving my personal two cents and trying to sort through my own thoughts on the matter. It's a huge decision for me, and being on the fence is uncomfortable.
I wish I had some advice to offer for Merci's situation, but I don't. You're ahead of me there.
My kids are are in a public school. I feel like my children aren't getting enough homework. Somedays they come home with nothing to do. My kids are in Gr.7 and Gr.5.
whoa! love the new layout! did you do that, Donna?
My son isn't even 2 yet, so I don't have any input from that angle, but it hasn't been that long since I was in school, and I can tell you that the school's in our town are great. I never had signigicant amounts of homework, and there was a lot of help for students who had challenges with learning. I think a big part of that is that our schools have a large percentage of Christian teachers, coming from a town made up of mostly Mennonites. The schools just went through a big hassle with having to change their mission statement, because it said that they partnered with home and Church, and stood by Christian values. Amazingly, we still have prayer in school, and a short scripture reading. Now, where else do you find THAT in this crazy world!
Someone did it for me Aut... I am not that good with computers!!
i agree w/ my student taylor...
that is wild.. merci may be overwelmed... why not try home schooling? travis' sis has 3 girls.. 16, 13 and 12... she homeschools all 3 and loves it.. she uses a great dvd series by a christian company.. her daughters are so bright and they've all told me they love it. they dont feel left out when at church and other kids talk abt public school.
if you want info let me know.
we plan on using this as well
Our public school does a great job with teaching the kids without over loading them! Wesley also is in first grade and they only have 10 minutes of reading each night for homework plus practicing spelling and the occasional at home project but we usually have about 2 weeks to complete those!
In his class he is doing the 1 minute tests but only with addition and subtraction. They also have journals and after Christmas breaks they started doing 2 or more sentences using punctuation!
I feel lucky to have a school where academic is impoprtant but not at the expense of the child's sanity!
I moved around a lot growing up, I have been to public schools, Christian schools, and we live in a very 'bad' community once and there were only 2 schools to choose from. A catholic school or a very violent public school. We couldn't even walk for fear of things going on....so yea... I even spent 3 years in a Catholic school. My sisters home schooled till grade 7 went to public school and now my youngest sister is going into grade 10 at the public school. I think in a lot of cases it depends on the child and the school. I live in a small community and the public school is great. If I lived closer to a larger city I may consider the Christian school…but it costs a LOT. It is a tough decision though that’s for sure.
A lot of teachers overload on homework. I think a little is okay... reading for so long each night, practicing the spelling words, maybe a math sheet or practicing some facts... but nothing that makes both mom and kid miserable. I definitely don't like to bring work home so why would kids?! I can understand why teachers send so much work home bc we are soooooo pressured to make our students preform and pass "the test". We are even expected to have learned disabled students pass the state mandated tests. It is so ridiculous. Not everyone is a brainiac or a good test taker. We all have our own personal gifts and abilities but we want 100% of our kids to score proficient on a test? Makes no sense! But I am off on a tangent... To answer the questions, there never seems to be enough hours in a school day to "cram" everything you need to into kids but that is no reason to make their home life miserable by giving them too much homework.
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