"Do you ever wonder if your child is the only one who _________ ?(insert crazy thing here!) I want this blog to be a place for questions, support and creative ideas for those situations we face daily with our children."

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What do you do?

What do you do when you know there is a problem and you don't know what it is??
Where do you start, who do you go to?
I hate not being able to fix things.

My daughter has had problems in school since kindergarten last year.
Things that pointed to ADD/ADHD.
I never wanted to go here, but if there is help for her why not?
I am NOT talking drugs.
Josh thinks I am dumb for "digging", but really I am not.
I think she could possibly fail 1st grade. She had F's in 3 subjects this midterm.
She has many missed assignments..just because she isn't doing them. They just seem to disappear.
What the heck should I do??
I ordered a book by a "drug free" doctor, who I have heard many times on the Christian radio station I listen to, and I actually remember hearing him as a child.
He annoyed me because "everything" we eat is bad for us. But in reality, I have learned it is. These things we eat could quite possibly be the problem to my daughters problems.

Have you or anyone you known had to deal with this?
What did they do??

Pray for us!


Bek said...

praying for you, donna. In Him, you have all wisdom. and keep asking for all the more. when we need wisdom, we need only to ask! Trusting Him to lead you......love ya

Autumn said...

in James God promises to give wisdom to those who ask! :)
I have heard similar things about diet causing ADD/ADHD types of problems.. esp. food dyes that sound like red #5 and blue #40

Wendy said...

My son always had a lot of trouble focusing and has been deemed the one who laughs at evryone who does silly stuff in class! Which gets him in trouble because once he loses his focus he begins to fool around (He is in 1st grade)I remembered hearing a doctor talk about what eating processed, and dyed foods can do to a childrens focus and attitudes!

So, although we didn't eat a lot of it I cut out almost all processed foods (like spaghettio's, macn' cheese) and I noticed a change INSTANTLY! Even his teacher wrote a note home letting me know what a difference at school (She did not know that I was doing this) He still has his moments but he has better focus and is not getting in as much trouble for being "silly".

Shana said...

Oh you are so not alone. I have struggled with my son for two years now. His grades always were good, it was behavior, until this 9 weeks. I was just at the end of my rope today and set down at the computer and stumbled into your blog. God never stops amazing me, this is just what I needed to see today, (That I am not alone.) I was starting to think that I was. Thank you.

Jen said...

My brother had the same issues with his oldest son. They did not want him on meds. So, they cut out ALL processed foods. It took some time. It was not something that they just did one day. You have to slowly start weeding things out of your diet. My SIL now buys fresh fruits and veggies every few days, she buys her meat from an organic grocery, and they eat fresh. No more cookies, no more chips and soda, no more mac n cheese and hot dogs (man those things are BAD!)..

The kids didn't like it at first, but really what choice did they have?! LOL

B does MUCH better in school now, and my younger nephew was WAY overweight. He is now slim and trim and a star baseball player. B's self esteem also improved! It is not an easy task, but it is one, that if undertaken, has to be all or nothing.

Good Luck!