"Do you ever wonder if your child is the only one who _________ ?(insert crazy thing here!) I want this blog to be a place for questions, support and creative ideas for those situations we face daily with our children."

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What do you do?

What do you do when you know there is a problem and you don't know what it is??
Where do you start, who do you go to?
I hate not being able to fix things.

My daughter has had problems in school since kindergarten last year.
Things that pointed to ADD/ADHD.
I never wanted to go here, but if there is help for her why not?
I am NOT talking drugs.
Josh thinks I am dumb for "digging", but really I am not.
I think she could possibly fail 1st grade. She had F's in 3 subjects this midterm.
She has many missed assignments..just because she isn't doing them. They just seem to disappear.
What the heck should I do??
I ordered a book by a "drug free" doctor, who I have heard many times on the Christian radio station I listen to, and I actually remember hearing him as a child.
He annoyed me because "everything" we eat is bad for us. But in reality, I have learned it is. These things we eat could quite possibly be the problem to my daughters problems.

Have you or anyone you known had to deal with this?
What did they do??

Pray for us!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

do you spank?

How do today's moms discipline their children? In California, someone is trying to get a law passed to forbid spanking your own children (under 3). Wonder how they will punish the parents who do spank?

Not sure about you, but I find this kind of invading.

Josh and I correct our children. We spank lovingly and our kids know why they are being spanked.
An awesome book I have found very helpful is:

God, the Rod, and your childs bod
By Larry Tomczak

What is your input?

Saturday, February 3, 2007

I just got my first post

We are STILL out of town, stuck in this tiny room. I am sitting at kitchen table and can see right into our bedroom, where the kids are sitting in front of Saturday cartoons. I just filled up E's cup with juice and out of the corner of my eye I see him drinking, and then "zoom" there flies his cup out of his hands across the room. What the heck?? Do I whip my cup across the room when I am done with it?? Ummm, NO. Why do 2 years olds do stuff like this? I give him 5 seconds before he is whining for his cup again.

Is mine the only one???

Thursday, February 1, 2007


I am excited to host this blog. As I was in the shower, upset about something dumb my 2 year old son did, the idea hit me. I needed to start a mommy blog, where we could all share our concerns, our struggles, and offer non generic advice. Frankly I am sick of hearing the same things over and over in magazines and books, you know generic, advice, that we know won't work. I want to know what you implemented in a certain situation and how it worked or didn't work. I want tried and true advice! Not that it will work for everyone, but it is worth a try, right! I want good creative stuff! I know I have some things I would love to share.

So if you have a concern e-mail me and I would love to post it! Please leave tried and tested advice!

Let all your mommy friend know about this blog!