"Do you ever wonder if your child is the only one who _________ ?(insert crazy thing here!) I want this blog to be a place for questions, support and creative ideas for those situations we face daily with our children."

Friday, March 9, 2007

DayLight Savings Time

Do you have Daylight Savings Time? If you do how do you deal with your childs sleeping routine?

Seriously since my daughter waslittle I have noticed my kids convert to the new time about a week before we have to turn back or spring ahead. It is hilarious, especially since we are scheduled to Spring Ahead 1 hour this weekend, 3 weeks earlier than normal. Both of my kids have been waking up about 30-45 minutes earlier than normal for the past 4-5 days. I remember observing over the last few years as well. I am NOT complaing. This makes the transition so much smoother!

What about you?

Also if you have a topic please e-mail it to iknowiamnotalone@gmail.com
We need to keep a good momentum!


Summer said...

Hi. Found your blog through Dres. I am having a funny picture contest. Come over to my blog and check it out. Thanks

Wendy said...

Wesley has always adjusted easily (he's 6) and now that you mention it, he has been getting up about an hour earlier than he usually does. Over our Feb. vacation he was getting up at 6:30 instead of his usual 7:30-8am! That is so strange! I wonder if it is because it has been getting light out around 6am here! Hmm!! I wonder how Lani will react to the time change as she is 8 months! This should be interesting because she is VERY schedule driven!

Stacey said...

I'm not sure how Rowan will handle the time change, but he does seem to be getting up a little earlier these past few days as well! Maybe it's programed into kids or something...

Shanilie said...

I always like the fall back change when you gain an hour...but for Jacob he still got up at his regular time....as for spring ahead I don't like losing an hour but Jacob will be in a way 'sleeping in' so I am looking forward to that. Plus it will be a bit darker in the mornings now which is great! It seems to be an easy adjustment either way. I'll be going to bed early tonight though! lol

Jamie said...

I just checked out your blog and the picture of Micah on the header looks great! How fun!

As for daylight savings, I have more trouble adjusting to the "fall back" since it means Micah wakes up earlier, but I'm kind of excited for the "spring ahead". He's been waking up so early latey - maybe he's got that same internal clock that your kids have!

Jamie said...

By the way, I'd love to see a topic on potty-training and some advice from experienced mommy's. We'll be entering this phase soon and I'm starting to panic!

Anonymous said...

Hi! This site is a great idea. I'd love to hear about moms who have had milk supply issues, and how to supplement with formula.

Donna said...

Thanks for all the comments!!

Potty training it right up mya lley too!!

The milk supply and supplememtation is a good one too.

I will get to you all soon!!

Andrea said...

We don't have time change here in Saskatchewan...so things just keep on going like normal. Tate hasn't been waking up any earlier than usual so far either...and I am happy about that!! :) I'm very excited about this site too!! If possible I would love to see a post about people who have had trouble with gassy babies...I have tried everything I can think of and nothing seems to be working!

Wendy said...

I second the milk supply problem! Especially when the baby refuses the bottle! UGH!

The Keowns said...

found this site through my sisters (my adorable nephew is on the header!)
excellent site! as for time change, the fall back one sucks more. I love this one cauze my kids sleep in the morning now. We usually have no problems adjusting and my three kids bounce right into the new schedule.
I would love to see some topics on dealing with older kids (age 5 and up) and discipline. My oldest hit age 5 and we are lost at what to do.