The dreaded words!
And honestly they don't have to be.
The best advice I can give (I have only potty trained 1, so I am not an expert)
There are a few signs that are a good indicator.
1) They stop going in their diaper as much.You will notice longer periods of dryness.
2) They are interested in what you are doing. If you are a mom I am sure you make plenty of trips with your little partner, I know I am not the only one!!
3) They tell you when their diaper is wet or dirty.
I do NOT believe in Pull Ups
I say don't waste your money.
I never ever used them with Merci.
I did recently buy them for Ethan only because he really wanted the "Cars" diapers and so I could experiment.
But I seriously wasted my money.
It is very nice that they can pull them up or down themselves, and the "pictures" that fade only keep them interested for the first few times, until they realize peeing in a pull up is not different than peeing in a diaper, so they still feel comfortable wetting the pull up.
So if NO pull ups what should I do??
Well something that I was appalled at when going to a friends house, is what I have used this week!! They would let their little boy just run around with NO bottoms on. Letting "it" hang out, LOL. I was kind of appalled that even with people over they let him do this, but it worked for them and it is working for us. Since I have a very curious 6 1/2 year old daughter we put underwear on him, but no pants. He is much more aware when he has to go. He hates that if he doesn't put it in the potty is runs down his legs. This is why I am against Pull Ups. They can't feel a difference! In underwear they can. With Merci I also put plastic pants ( you know cloth diaper covers) on her so I wouldn't get pee on our furniture is she had a an accident.
You may disagree and that is fine, tell us your story!
Rewards: My son, Ethan (2 1/2) LOVES candy. I think I have 2 of the worst candy fiends in the world, and we use it sparingly. Ethan has realized that if he goes int he potty he will get some candy (2 M&M's or 2 jelly beans for example) so he takes full advantage!!
I also do stickers (Thomas the Train..use one that your child likes), he puts them right on his potty somewhere, we have a very plain one, so it is a reward and it jazzes it up some!
Also high fives and hugs and jumps for joy work well.
I mix it up some, that way he doesn't always get candy, and there will be a time when they won't be rewarded for going potty!
My mom raised 4 kids, 3 were boys.
Her tricks, that are working wonders for me (just in the last week) are:
1) Sit the boy facing the tank of the toilet, his pee will be aimed better and he has stability.
Ethan feels very comfortable sitting like this, he can even get on by himself.
2) Tell your son he can make "bubbles" in the toilet. It won't work if they only do a few drops, but if they really have to go the stream will make little "bubbles" in the water. Ethan gets the biggest laugh out of this!!
I have been trying to get Ethan to go on the potty for sometime, sitting him up there a few times a day or on his little potty ( he actually prefers the big one!).
He would only go like a few dribbles and be done.
My mom said that it is normal, that they are just learning how to use the muscles down there.
So now after introducing him to "bubbles" he is going a lot at a time!
He has even taken it upon himself to go upstairs alone remove his pants and diaper by himself, it makes me so proud!!
Nighttime will take a lot longer. That is a whole different step. Don't stress them out, just do diapers at bedtime and nap time until they don't wet their diapers anymore. Limiting liquid intake does help with this.
Tell us your advice.
I realize this is more geared towards boys, but my daughter was so EASY and she potty trained much earlier!! Like 2 1/2, she was done. Even at night!
And don't miss the Special Links Drea posted scroll down!
And honestly they don't have to be.
The best advice I can give (I have only potty trained 1, so I am not an expert)
There are a few signs that are a good indicator.
1) They stop going in their diaper as much.You will notice longer periods of dryness.
2) They are interested in what you are doing. If you are a mom I am sure you make plenty of trips with your little partner, I know I am not the only one!!
3) They tell you when their diaper is wet or dirty.
I do NOT believe in Pull Ups
I say don't waste your money.
I never ever used them with Merci.
I did recently buy them for Ethan only because he really wanted the "Cars" diapers and so I could experiment.
But I seriously wasted my money.
It is very nice that they can pull them up or down themselves, and the "pictures" that fade only keep them interested for the first few times, until they realize peeing in a pull up is not different than peeing in a diaper, so they still feel comfortable wetting the pull up.
So if NO pull ups what should I do??
Well something that I was appalled at when going to a friends house, is what I have used this week!! They would let their little boy just run around with NO bottoms on. Letting "it" hang out, LOL. I was kind of appalled that even with people over they let him do this, but it worked for them and it is working for us. Since I have a very curious 6 1/2 year old daughter we put underwear on him, but no pants. He is much more aware when he has to go. He hates that if he doesn't put it in the potty is runs down his legs. This is why I am against Pull Ups. They can't feel a difference! In underwear they can. With Merci I also put plastic pants ( you know cloth diaper covers) on her so I wouldn't get pee on our furniture is she had a an accident.
You may disagree and that is fine, tell us your story!
Rewards: My son, Ethan (2 1/2) LOVES candy. I think I have 2 of the worst candy fiends in the world, and we use it sparingly. Ethan has realized that if he goes int he potty he will get some candy (2 M&M's or 2 jelly beans for example) so he takes full advantage!!
I also do stickers (Thomas the Train..use one that your child likes), he puts them right on his potty somewhere, we have a very plain one, so it is a reward and it jazzes it up some!
Also high fives and hugs and jumps for joy work well.
I mix it up some, that way he doesn't always get candy, and there will be a time when they won't be rewarded for going potty!
My mom raised 4 kids, 3 were boys.
Her tricks, that are working wonders for me (just in the last week) are:
1) Sit the boy facing the tank of the toilet, his pee will be aimed better and he has stability.
Ethan feels very comfortable sitting like this, he can even get on by himself.
2) Tell your son he can make "bubbles" in the toilet. It won't work if they only do a few drops, but if they really have to go the stream will make little "bubbles" in the water. Ethan gets the biggest laugh out of this!!
I have been trying to get Ethan to go on the potty for sometime, sitting him up there a few times a day or on his little potty ( he actually prefers the big one!).
He would only go like a few dribbles and be done.
My mom said that it is normal, that they are just learning how to use the muscles down there.
So now after introducing him to "bubbles" he is going a lot at a time!
He has even taken it upon himself to go upstairs alone remove his pants and diaper by himself, it makes me so proud!!
Nighttime will take a lot longer. That is a whole different step. Don't stress them out, just do diapers at bedtime and nap time until they don't wet their diapers anymore. Limiting liquid intake does help with this.
Tell us your advice.
I realize this is more geared towards boys, but my daughter was so EASY and she potty trained much earlier!! Like 2 1/2, she was done. Even at night!
And don't miss the Special Links Drea posted scroll down!
Sorry about the font's I tried to fix it but it won't change..I am so annoyed, but am not retyping this!
Hi donna, i'll try and fix the fonts for ya ;-)
The turning the kid around on the toilet is a great idea! I should of dont that w/ Caleb.. I cant tell you how many times he's sprayed me w/ his wingwing.
Any how.
The way I trained Caleb. Here goes
Around a year old I started... and did fairly well. My friend Lis did infant potty training w/ her daughter... she didnt change a poopie diaper on her since she was 4months old. She became familiar w/ the babies faces.. and was able to catch it. Lis was a stay at home mom though and her only focus was her daughter so this helped. This would be a lot harder if you worked or had other kids.
Any how.
I started Caleb by taking him when I knew he had to poop. It worked great. At one point around 15 months of age I had gone almost an entire month w/out changing a dirty diaper...
Then came a plane ride and a dreaded airport toilet! since the toilet flushed while he was on it... he refused to get go on one again until he hit age two.
Once he hit age two I went hardcore on the potty training.
I'd take Caleb every 20 minutes or so ... he would fuss some... but did great! By the end of the money we could go atleast an hour between pee's. And by 26 months or so he was pretty much fully trained.
The key to it I think is putting them in undies or nothing at all.
If you use a pullup they wont be able to tell when they are wet.
Just get some TODDLER TRAINING UNDIES in the onesie section at Target or Walmart and use those. They work great because they have a lil' extra padding in front incase they do pee.
Caleb now can go 2-3 hrs between potty time.. and he tells me when he has to go now.
He is 2 1\2 now and fully trained except for his bedtime. He still wears a diaper then. But thats ok... I'll pass that hurdle later on ;-)
Im just happy he was out of diapers by the time baby num. 2 came!
Oh and I rewarded him as well when we trained. Every time he pee'd he got a piece of candy.
Thanks for fixing the font, it looks so much better=)
I am glad someone agrees with the on the Pull Up thing!! I have a whole huge 50 count box, I suppose we may use them someday!
I totally agree with your thoughts on the pull ups. When I was a teacher in a pre-toddler room I had parents putting their 1 year olds in Pull Ups to get them ready for potty training! UGH! Try changing 8 kids with those on! Getting off was easy but we had to take off all their clothes to put it back on! A total waste of money and some of those kids still aren't potty trained! I think they look cute but still feel too much like a real diaper!
Man, I potty trained Wesley so long ago that I can't remember exactly what I did:) I took a whole weekend of him running around in hus undies! Then he was being watched by my MIL while I was at work so she was also willing to let him run around nakey!I am sure there was some sort of reward but I am not sure what that was! Problaby m+m's because those were his favorite! He trained in about a week and was staying dry through the night after about a month! There were a few accidents but he was pretty easy! I am scare about training Lani! I know I have a while:)
i was given the same advice by an experienced mom recently "wait til they are ready" so i think i'm still sort of in wait-mode. iz goes on it when he wants. but i dont' force him - i really don't feel like fighting him or making a production out of things. i simply don't have the time or patience. i am praying to ask God to show me when to really press GO, so to say, b/c once i get firm on "we are now potty training" i know i can't go back. so that is where i am. i appreciated the comments and post here.
I'm really not sure what to do. I don't think Rowan is ready yet, because he doesn't even look uncomfortable when he fills his diaper. And, I only have four and a half months til our second baby is born. Does anyone have any advice for me? I'm not sure if I should start before the baby comes, or after. (Rowan is 20 months old.)
Maybe start introducing the idea. get him a potty, talk about it with him.
But likely at 20 months he is not ready!
Most boys train around age 3 or later girls are right around 2.
And I hear that kids regress when they have siblings born, just wait, is my opinion!
OK, I'm a little late commenting on this post, but oh well...
Stacey - I had the same dilemma before my 2nd was born and in the end I decided to wait. Now my son is 27 months and still not trained, but I'm planning on waiting until summer when he can be free to run around naked or in underwear. We're also putting laminate in our house soon so then I don't have to worry about him peeing on the carpet :)
Bek - I agree that I don't want to start until I KNOW that I can follow through. I've heard lots of moms say that boys aren't usually ready until more like 2 and 1/2 so I think I'll go with that!
We'll have to stay updated on how it goes for everyone!
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