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How hard is it for you to have patience?
it is VERY hard for me.
Ethan is battling a cold, a yucky cough, runny nose etc.
He usually sleeps from 7:30pm-7am
(I know, I am spoiled, but just so you know he didn't sleep for more than 3 hours at a time until he was 8 months old, so I deserve these long nights..LOL)
He has been waking up every 2 or so hours the past 3 nights. He just wonders around looking at me then goes to my husband and looks at him, and Merci said he has been coming in her room too.
So needless to say he isn't getting the sleep he needs=( By the time nap time comes he is so overtired he is screaming and crying and there is no consoling him.
He threw the biggest fit for about 30 minutes today. I know he is sick, but when they are so out of control like he was today, there is NOTHING you can do.
I was loosing patience very quickly.
I tried rocking him, I tried laying with him, I tried praying with him, I tried singing to him..you name it.
He was so worked up he was like choking. I was yelling by the end, I just felt so helpless and angry that he wouldn't respond to my tries.
I am so sick of hearing these mother on blogs only talking about the wonderfulness of mommy hood. It is wonderful, but it is also quite the opposite sometimes!
Ethan has been having a hard time at sleeping times for a few months now, he used to just go right to sleep, now he tries everything to make it as difficult as possible. I am so sick of it taking 30+ minutes just to get him to stay in bed. I can't go on like this anymore. This has me so angry I feel like I am a horrible mom for not enjoying "bedtime" with my son.
Please tell me I am not the only frustrated with being a mommy some days??????
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How hard is it for you to have patience?
it is VERY hard for me.
Ethan is battling a cold, a yucky cough, runny nose etc.
He usually sleeps from 7:30pm-7am
(I know, I am spoiled, but just so you know he didn't sleep for more than 3 hours at a time until he was 8 months old, so I deserve these long nights..LOL)
He has been waking up every 2 or so hours the past 3 nights. He just wonders around looking at me then goes to my husband and looks at him, and Merci said he has been coming in her room too.
So needless to say he isn't getting the sleep he needs=( By the time nap time comes he is so overtired he is screaming and crying and there is no consoling him.
He threw the biggest fit for about 30 minutes today. I know he is sick, but when they are so out of control like he was today, there is NOTHING you can do.
I was loosing patience very quickly.
I tried rocking him, I tried laying with him, I tried praying with him, I tried singing to him..you name it.
He was so worked up he was like choking. I was yelling by the end, I just felt so helpless and angry that he wouldn't respond to my tries.
I am so sick of hearing these mother on blogs only talking about the wonderfulness of mommy hood. It is wonderful, but it is also quite the opposite sometimes!
Ethan has been having a hard time at sleeping times for a few months now, he used to just go right to sleep, now he tries everything to make it as difficult as possible. I am so sick of it taking 30+ minutes just to get him to stay in bed. I can't go on like this anymore. This has me so angry I feel like I am a horrible mom for not enjoying "bedtime" with my son.
Please tell me I am not the only frustrated with being a mommy some days??????
Nope, you're not alone. My patience is wearing thinner lately. That's when I remind myself that patience is fruit of the Spirit.
Are you trying to keep your baby on a schedule right now? It may be that he needs an earlier nap time or more frequent naps to make up for the sleep he's not getting at night. When kids get sleep deprived, then it is even harder for them to fall asleep or to sleep soundly. After he is better and caught up, then you can get back to your own routine.
Oh and being a mom is HARD and not always enjoyable, but when I take a good look at it, I wouldn't trade this for anything. Joy is fruit of the Spirit too.
haha yea... im working on being patient right now as well. A two year olds constant needy-ness can really work on your nerves!
I just keep reminding myself what a blessing they are to me... and it usually goes away ;-)
I hear ya!! Some days I can't keep from raising my voice, I just get so frustrated that Rowan won't listen. He's not even two yet!! Why can't I remember that he's still learning. I guess cause I am too!
Found this site a few days ago, think it's a great idea!
You are SO not alone, bedtime for us right now is pure torture! Our daughter was really hard at bedtime for a long long time, we finally got it figured out. Of course then we changed her into a big girl bed and that threw her off for awhile, then it was good again. Then we brought home her baby sister, well that did it, bedtime has been a nightmare! She doesn't want to stay in bed, comes up with 6 million excuses to get out of bed, cried when we won't stay with her but won't sleep if we do. Some nights I wonder if she is EVER going to sleep. Sigh.....
I know it has been a big adjustment for her so I'm trying to be patient. But man when the baby is sleeping and all I want to do is go to sleep patient is very very hard.
Someday...evetually...bedtime will be fun again right? It has to be!
Yes, I definitely hear ya!! yesterday and last night were especially frusterating for me since my boy wouldn't have ANY naps and didn't want to go to sleep at night, and then when he finally did, woke up at 5:30am and wouldn't go back to bed!! I was feeling QUITE frusterated. But like Reneta said, when I take a good look at it, I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything. Although it's frusterating sometimes, I still think that being a mom (and wife) are the most important things I could ever be.
Patience? I thought I had a lot...that is until my kids were born! Some days I feel like the worst most impatient person in the entire world! This is a hard job we've got as momma's!!!! You are soooo not alone.
Thank you guys so very much!! It is really good to know I am not the only one going through this.
I know I wouldn't change this for anything too, even thoght sometimes I think I would!
I try to remember from a song in church "your Grace is enough, your grace is enough for me!!" I am crying out to God that His Grace would be enough!
We've been fighting with Micah over sleep issues lately too (you can check out the March 14 post on my blog!) It's hard when they're sick or going through a change because then it's more difficult to be firm. I find those are the times when I feel sorry for him and let things slide. But his bad sleeping issues now are just out of habit, I'm convinced. So, we've just been firm on nap times and bedtimes and it seems to be helping (we're using the supernanny technique). But tomorrow night we're getting rid of his soothers for good so then we may be back to square one :P
I meant to tell you... Caleb has been getting up a lot as well. He is the same age as Ethan so we can relate. Moving has only made this worst... he actually hides from me and goes to my parents because they dont make him go back to bed.
The past week hes been getting up at like 7am (when he use to sleep til 9am!) and he sneaks to my moms room to get her... not me. Because he knows i make him go back to bed.
My mom is learning though she has to put her foot down ;-)
But when he does get up and I see him or find him I make him go back down no matter what he wants.
He gets a small glass of milk to calm him down... and then its off to bed.
Last night he did it. I put him to bed, went to dry my hair.. I come out of the bathroom ... hes laying beside Taite and my dad hiding his face in a blanket. He knew he was doing wrong.
I just picked him up... took him upstairs, told him "Caleb you cant get out of bed..." really softly and he said "ok ... ma...ma...." and stayed.
The key is not letting them get away with it I think... and putting your foot down.
tell Ethan "You cant get out of bed, its night night time. See how its dark out? your sisters going to bed... mommy and daddy are going to bed... its bed time.. you have to stay in bed.. if you get scared just call for me."
Something like that.
May take a few tries.. but they will figure it out.
I try not to say much at all if he does get out of bed... I just stick him back in and give him a hug and kiss and a "stay in bed" soft talk haha.
Hope that helps!
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