Two productive things you did today!
One thing you did for your children today!
One thing you did for your children today!
"Do you ever wonder if your child is the only one who _________ ?(insert crazy thing here!) I want this blog to be a place for questions, support and creative ideas for those situations we face daily with our children."
Template and Banner tweaks:
By - Drea
#1 I finished painting the trim in the bathroom (for the second time..look for the story on my other blog in the next few days!)
#2 Father's Day present and got gas for lawnmower (didn't cut the grass..yet..still hoping to have time!)
#1 I read to the kids for 20 minutes before nap!!
1~Folded some laundry and put it away
For kids?
Played outside, picked some strawberries.
1. Laundry(1 load), washed, dried, folded and put away! I'm very proud of this because I hate laundry and usually don't get it folded and put away promptly.
2. Emptied dishwasher and cleared counters.
For the kids...
Went on a play date!
- went to post office and got a pkg. mailed
- declared some scriptures over myself until i felt better (and i did!)
- went and got my son a bike helmet from someone off craig's list - great deal!
OK, this post came from Wednesday but I'll post for today.
1. washed all the dishes sitting on the counter and tidied up the kitchen.
2. cleaned the bathroom toilet and sink. The tub can wait for another day :)
Something for the kids:
1. Played in Micah's room for 1/2 hour building blocks and driving cars!
*Went to church (praising God !!!!)
*Did a load on laundry
* Nurse Rebekah and give her a lot of kisses :-)
Day hasnt started but today I plan on...
#1. unpacking from the trip.
#2. taking photos of the kiddos in some products I have to review.
the list will go on.. and on.. and on. what is it about trips.. your always swamped when you get back!
1) Started planning for day one of VBS (I am teaching 1-2 greaders. One day down, 4 more to go.)
2) Picked up the kitchen and cleaned some sweet corn for supper tonight.
For kids
Made them breakfast (all three something different) and sit with them while they played outside.
#1 Productive thing: I got a LOT of Taylor's clothes packed for the move on Friday, as well as the rest of her clothes AND her brother's clothes all washed!
#2 Productive thing: Went to Safeway and got some groceries!
1 thing I did for my kiddos today: Fed them!!! LOL...I couldn't really think of any thing "SPECIFIC!"
Grocery shopping and the dishes!
For my kids, hmmmm... everything! or at least it feels like it. ;-) Really, Stephen and I played a game of cards together and I bought Christian some fudge bars because he was a "good" boy at the grocery store. ;-)
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