"Do you ever wonder if your child is the only one who _________ ?(insert crazy thing here!) I want this blog to be a place for questions, support and creative ideas for those situations we face daily with our children."

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Did you ever do something that you immediatley regreted?

So I am being vulnerable and hope to get only encouraging words and to hear stories to make me feel NOT ALONE!!

Today Merci had VBS and needed to be there by 9, we didn't wake up until 8:30 (very unusual). I rushed to get us all ready and out the door. Ethan and I also had a mom's day out at church, which is only 10 minutes from VBS and 30 minutes from home, so we just found something to do until we had to be at church at 10. You all know how 2 1/2 almost 3 year olds can be one of the hardest ages. Ethan is definitely HARD right now. I have to beg him to do almost everything I ask, nothing can be done without a temper tantrum. I have defiantly been stressed, and having to deal with my almost 7 year olds constant nagging and bad attitudes along with Ethan's bad attitudes. So after we dropped Merci off at VBS we went to Walmart to grab a a few things we needed, and then we headed to church. Ethan was very good at church, he ran around with his friend, he was a little whinny, wanting juice every 5 minutes, but whatever. Once it was time to leave he couldn't find the car we had just bought at Walmart (which I told him to keep in the car or my purse but he refused) I had to go get Merci on time, so we didn't have time to look for it. From then on all he did was whine the whole way home, about anything he could think of. He also has had this new thing where he tells me to go certain ways (like left or right) when that is not the way I need to go, and he gets ticked when I don't listen. I needed to stop at the post office and at the bank so he wasn't too happy. We got inside and I was going to make lunch. I usually let them watch a show while I prepare lunch, but he wanted juice and could not wait. I decided to pour some juice for him and asked where his green cup was, he told me it was in the sink and it was dirty (from the lotion he smeared all over it) and asked for his M&M cup, I poured it and then he threw a fit because he wanted the shark cup. NO YOU SPECIFICALLY SAID THE M&M CUP, SON.
He was whining and crying and throwing a huge fit and I just got so frustrated that I.......

I was debating putting this on here, but I did ask Ethan's forgiveness and he said sorry for his bad attitude so I guess I can share................................................................................................

I poured the cup of juice on his head=(

How mature, I know. I was just to my boiling point and made a bad choice. Merci came running in the kitchen and began scolding me which didn't go over very well with me. I knew I was wrong the moment I saw Ethan's face. But you can't turn back time only try harder.

Have you ever had a moment like this??


Michelle said...

Oh yes, I can't say I've dumped juice on Payton's head exactly but I've had moments. Moments when just for a sec you forget that your the adult and in whatever manner throw a little tantrum. You are brave to post it though, I find people judge other peoples parenting more than anything else.

But no, your not alone!

VICTORIA said...

What a lovely idea! I have never done this, but I have thrown thier most prized possesion in the throws of a tantrum!

Christy said...

Yes I have those moments quite often! I have a 3 year old going on 13 and he can be very whiny and very particular about things. I just had to laugh that you dumped the juice on his head! I bet he learnt his lesson!!! Haha!

Nin said...

LOLOLOL!I'm sorry, I totally laughed when I read this! Yes I've been there... we all have, whether we admit it or not. still giggling......mental image replaying....too funny.

Crystal said...

I'm still laughing!!! It's good that you both forgave each other though. I'm sure that I'll have stories to tell about being frustrated with my own future kids! What kind of juice was it?

Drea said...

I couldnt help but giggle partly because I cant tell you how many times Ive wanted to do that!
never have.. but its entered my mind!

Your ok though Donna. We all snap... and atleast you didnt hit him. I think that be worst.

Just hang in there. Calebs going through the SAME THING!

Your not alone ;-) hmm.. "I know I am NOT alone?"

Nice post.

Qtpies7 said...

You are not alone, and it wasn't that bad! Didn't he shape up after that? You didn't injure him, you didn't damage his psyche, you showed him he was being ridiculous and shocked him out of his tantrum!
I've done it, and even though it isn't the height of maturity or parental wisdom, it does the trick in a pinch.

Bek said...


i know a mom (good friend - won't disclose here) who pushed her son in a mud puddle. he was pushing his sister in the mud puddle. so the mom pushed him in. shocked him out of his bad behavior, like the juice.

pretty funny, donna.

we've all got plenty to work on, kids and moms alike. ha!:)