"Do you ever wonder if your child is the only one who _________ ?(insert crazy thing here!) I want this blog to be a place for questions, support and creative ideas for those situations we face daily with our children."

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Good Health at Home

I found a recent insert in our newspaper very informative.

I will do a few post and share some great ways to keep yourself healthy by keeping your home healthy!

I hate being sick and will do anything to prevent it! Hope you find this informative too!

The Kitchen

The kitchen has more germs than any other room in your house, even more than the bathroom.
Because we are dealing with pathogen containing things such as meat and vegetables, we need to clean with more than just soap and water, we need to DISINFECT!

1 oz bleach to 1 qt water is one of the most powerful disinfectants you can use.


*Never use your dishwashing sponge to wash countertops or appliances. You can cross contaminate. Use cleaning wipes (look for brands that say sanitizer or disinfectant)
Dispose of sponges monthly and periodically soak sponges and rags in bleach and water solution.

*If there are cracks in your wooden utensils or cutting boards, replace them. Also use different cutting boards for meat and veggies.

*Up to 80% of food-borne illness is caught in the home. Buy a refrigerator thermometer and make sure the temp stay 40 degrees (F) or lower to reduce bacteria. Preservative rich foods such as pickles and jellies can go in the door, but...
Keep milk and eggs in the back of the refrigerator where it stays coolest.

This was taken from the Cleveland Plain Dealer...next post is the Living an Family rooms!


Shanilie said...

Great info. Thanks for sharing. I am constantly going through wipes, I would probably save a LOT of $ if I would just use your bleach idea. After reading this I am half tempted to go and bleach my kitchen surfaces haha

Sara said...

Hi, just came across your site today (linked from my daughter's site).
I feel the need to expand on your post if you will allow me to.
Did you know bleach is toxic? It really isn't necessary to use it in the home, unless you need to (once in a while) bleach diapers.
Also, NEVER use Mr. Clean's magic eraser - it contains formaldehyde which is a known carcinogen (cancer causing agent). Windex too, is toxic and should NOT be breathed in.
For some really great tips...check out this site...it's helped me http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/id/ART00576

Otherwise, yes, throw out cracked wooden spoons, etc. If you're looking to replace, bamboo is the safest, hardest wood and will not foster bacterial growth. You can get bamboo serving spoons in various places, including from Pampered Chef. They also carry cutting boards that will not foster bacterial growth.
As far as dishcloths, etc. using a Norwex cloth has been shown to remove 99.9% bacteria without using any chemicals. I have several of these cloths in my home, one for kitchen, one for cleaning bathrooms, etc. They're great.
Anyway, hope this was helpful. I've found other resources as well if you're interested.

VICTORIA said...

If you clean with bleach, and are constantly ridding of all germs, your body becomes more susceptible to infection due to it's lack of exposure to bacteria. Your body learns to fight infection from exposure to pathogens.

VICTORIA said...

BTW, this does not mean I am not about cleaning my home. Quite anal really.

Sara said...

Yes Victoria, you're right, and sure we do still clean our homes, but mine is certainly not germ free :)

mommy1 said...

Thank for the info.

I don't clean with bleach/water, but I do use Clorox clean up, so I guess I shouldn't anymore.

I was also wondering about the utensils I use, which do happen to be bamboo, so yeah! I am doing something right.

Thanks for the tips, unfortunately, every info source doesn't agree, so we hear all this different info all the time.