"Do you ever wonder if your child is the only one who _________ ?(insert crazy thing here!) I want this blog to be a place for questions, support and creative ideas for those situations we face daily with our children."

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Living and Family Rooms

A continuation of
Good Health begins at Home
taken from Cleveland Plain Dealer Parade insert

Most infections are spread by physical contact....which is why washing your hands in hot soapy water for 20 seconds is the best prevention.

Sometimes what feels like a cold is really an allergy. Over 40 million Americans suffer from allergies, caused by dust mites, mold, pet dander and cockroach droppings (ewe gross), all of which thrive in carpet, drapes and upholstery.

*Clean carpets with and upholstery with a dry-steam cleaner (where do I get one??)
followed by an intensive vacuuming. Vacuums with HEPA filters are best.

*Leave your shoes at the door. Shoes spread pesticides, pollen and germs.

*Use sanitizing wipes on items groped daily, cabinet handles, remote controls, light switches, door knobs and keys.

Next on the list the Bedroom!

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